The Seasons Pass By So Quickly

It’s fall here in the hills of West Virginia. I suppose it’s fall every where, but the autumn months here in appalachia are especially beautiful. The treetops are a mix of greens, oranges, reds, and browns. Every time I look out my […]

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Thinking of You Always

Ya’ll, it’s COLD in Florida. I mean it’s falling iguana cold. If you know, you know. When it gets below a certain temperature down south, the little lizards we see every where fall into a deep sleep, almost like a hibernation state. […]

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The Hills of West Virginia

Hello everyone… after a break over the holidays and a trip home, I am back! I hope that all of you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year with those you hold dear. I hope you made memories to hold you over […]

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Livin La Vida Poca

I’ve been on a binge lately. Not the fun kind where you wake up in jail or forget where you left your car last night or realize you’re on a first name basis with every bartender in town. No, I find myself […]

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I read an article about West Virginia today. It was upsetting because unfortunately I could relate. It said that West Virginia has had the biggest drop in population of all states. According to the article much of this is due to a […]

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