For Love

How far would you go for love? Across town? To church? Around the world? I guess most of us don’t really know until we are faced with the decision. Then as Babcia says, you just know. Love is hope, and I think […]

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Aging (un)Gracefully

I was talking to Babcia, my mama, on the phone the other day. We got around to talking about our aches and ailments, as people do, when she said, “It’s funny how aging won’t let you live your life”. Obviously, you can […]

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When It’s Time, You’ll Know

I was born in Chicago to a Polish mother and a hillbilly father. I have urban beginnings. We moved to West Virginia when I was around 5 years old, and I was raised there. I stayed in Appalachia until I was 20 […]

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Her Story

Babcia is a fighter. She’s one tough broad. Anyone who thinks otherwise doesn’t know her. From her beginnings in Poland up until now, she has suffered major loss. She has been through tumultuous change. She has climbed over obstacles in her way […]

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