No Covid for Christmas

In a few days it will be Christmas once again. This Christmas will be so different from any that we’ve ever known. For many of us, there will be no gathering, no crowds of people, no shared feast, and for some even […]

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Married into the Crazy

My sister-in-law is a beautiful soul. We don’t deserve her. Really. No, seriously. We’ve told my brother that if they should ever decide to split up we want to keep her and he can go. She’s THAT good. A West Virginia girl […]

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The Circle of Life or Whatever

I realized yesterday that my daughter is turning 29 this year. I am shocked. How dare she. I mean here I am thinking it’s only been a few years since I was 35 and she has the gall to turn 29. And […]

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Soup Weather

October has arrived and it finally feels like fall in Florida. Well, as “fall” as we get down here anyway. Temps are around 70, it’s a little overcast and breezy, and football is underway. The trees are shedding leaves, or pine needles. […]

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Uncle Buck

Babcia said to me, “Don’t you have anyone else to write about?” So with that subtle hint in mind, I thought, why yes I do. Of course once I told her I was going to write about someone else, she asked, “You […]

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