Livin La Vida Poca

I’ve been on a binge lately. Not the fun kind where you wake up in jail or forget where you left your car last night or realize you’re on a first name basis with every bartender in town. No, I find myself […]

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Back Amongst Friends

I think we can all agree that it’s been a long, tough year and a half that has passed us by. From minor inconveniences, to cancellation after cancellation, to the great toilet paper hoarding of 2020… we’ve all put our lives on […]

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Un-Learning the Polish

Have you ever thought about how much of our life revolves around food? I have. In fact, I think about it all the time. (The food and the revolving) I’m at a point in my life where I’m trying to take better […]

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A Different Story

You may have noticed that I didn’t post last week. I took a short break. Sometimes I just don’t feel like writing, or thinking, or doing… anything. I think we all feel that way occasionally, don’t we? We go and we go […]

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Peace and Grand-love

I’ve been awake since about 4:15am. Not that I wanted to be awake that early, but I find as I get older it just sometimes works out that way. My brain decides that we are going to be awake now, even though […]

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