Dopóki Się Nie Spotkamy Ponownie (Until We Meet Again)

On Sunday March 20, 2002 our dear mama and Babcia peacefully left this world to join her husband and her family in the next life. To say that we are sad and lonely without her here is an understatement. As I’ve written […]

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Two Totally Different Peas in a Pod

When I think of my parents as a couple, opposing thoughts come to mind. I mean, they are two people who were married for 49 years and yet couldn’t be more different. I often wonder what drew them to each other, and […]

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Life is Short, Love is Long

I am amazed sometimes at how quickly the days seem to drift by. Here it is, Sunday, the start of a new week and it feels as if it was just last Monday and I was starting another work week. Yet it […]


Time Flies When You’re Having Lunch

Slowing down has never really been my thing. I tend to move quickly, trying to keep up with the fast pace of life. I walk fast, I eat fast, I do chores fast, and I’m a world class multi-tasker. I often find […]


Diabetic Polish New Mathe-magic

We’ve all heard about ‘new math’, or ‘common core’, or any of the other recent terms for the new ways that children are taught the same old lessons in schools these days. All I know is that I’m thankful my child is […]

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