Believe in the Bunny

I’d be remiss if I didn’t talk about ‘Aunt Bunny’, otherwise known as my best friend Steph. The nickname comes from Eddie Murphy’s standup, if you aren’t familiar there’s always Google. When I was 12 years old and in my first month […]

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Waiting For Flowers…

We’ve all been inundated with the news, grim statistics, arguing politicians, heartbreaking stories, and stories that lift our spirits. As this virus takes hold of our lives, there is new information available every single day. We ride the information wave until we […]

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Babcia Gets Flowers

My mom got flowers about a month ago and she has been floating on air ever since. It wasn’t a romantic gesture but more of a ‘thank you’; no matter, what’s important is that she got flowers and it made her day. […]


Her Story

Babcia is a fighter. She’s one tough broad. Anyone who thinks otherwise doesn’t know her. From her beginnings in Poland up until now, she has suffered major loss. She has been through tumultuous change. She has climbed over obstacles in her way […]

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The Polebilly Prince

In this life I was blessed with three brothers – two brothers from my parents, and one half brother from my dad’s first marriage. My baby brother was taken from us just shy of his two-month birthday, having had breathing issues. My […]

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