Smarty Pants

I’ve said this before, but Babcia is a smart cookie. She notices things. Sometimes she notices things you don’t want her to notice which is uncomfortable, but nonetheless, she pays attention. She’s quick with a joke or remark. Once she commits herself […]

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Becoming Busia

The highest honor has been bestowed on me. I suppose I have earned it. I know I have dreamed of this day. My later life has been spent preparing for this role. I am going to be a Busia. My beautiful daughter […]


Aging (un)Gracefully

I was talking to Babcia, my mama, on the phone the other day. We got around to talking about our aches and ailments, as people do, when she said, “It’s funny how aging won’t let you live your life”. Obviously, you can […]

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My Matka

Another Mother’s day has come upon us and I am once again reminded how lucky and grateful I am to have the mother that I have. As a kid, my mother was always the most unusual one in the bunch. Living in […]

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When It’s Time, You’ll Know

I was born in Chicago to a Polish mother and a hillbilly father. I have urban beginnings. We moved to West Virginia when I was around 5 years old, and I was raised there. I stayed in Appalachia until I was 20 […]

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