The Circle of Life or Whatever

I realized yesterday that my daughter is turning 29 this year. I am shocked. How dare she. I mean here I am thinking it’s only been a few years since I was 35 and she has the gall to turn 29. And […]

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Soup Weather

October has arrived and it finally feels like fall in Florida. Well, as “fall” as we get down here anyway. Temps are around 70, it’s a little overcast and breezy, and football is underway. The trees are shedding leaves, or pine needles. […]

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For all that she’s endured and experienced in this life, Babcia is surprisingly upbeat and positive most of the time. She has a way of seeing the good in almost everything, which also puts those around her at ease. Not to say […]

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Savage Love

I recently got a new haircut. I went completely crazy and had my hair cut short. The long stringy locks are gone. Personally, I love it. My mornings are easier and I just like the fun way it looks. My hair is […]

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For Love

How far would you go for love? Across town? To church? Around the world? I guess most of us don’t really know until we are faced with the decision. Then as Babcia says, you just know. Love is hope, and I think […]

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