An Emigration Story

Babcia has been in the United States since October 12, 1957. She has seen, felt, thought, and lived SO much since that time… all through the eyes of someone who was not born in the United States. When I truly think of […]

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It seems I’ve forgotten how to sleep in. No matter how little sleep I’ve gotten, or how tired I am, my internal alarm clock goes off and it’s up and at ’em around the same time every morning. I never understood why […]


Easter in Florida

Good morning and happy Easter everyone! I hope that you are all enjoying a lovely day with family and friends today. I hope you have more eggs than you know what to do with, that fake Easter basket grass is strung all […]


The Hostess With the Mostest

Let me begin by saying I apologize for not posting last week, I was traveling and did not plan ahead… rookie mistake. I had gone home to visit Babcia, the fam, and my sweet grandson. It was a good week and a […]

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Masked Up With Mama

Another long trip is in the books as I sit in Mama’s kitchen enjoying coffee with her at the beginning of our day. Covid travel is tricky, but brings much more peace of mind than boarding an airplane full of strangers. So […]

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