Happy Birthday Lindy

Friday December 13th, 1991 – Welcome to the world little girl. You are everything I dreamed of and more. You are tiny and beautiful, with soft little fingers and toes. You look through me and concentrate when I speak to you. You […]

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The Ciocias

Ciocia is the Polish word for aunt. However let me be very clear… I have aunts, and then I have ciocias. They are not the same thing. Anyone who is full or partially Polish knows this fact. I don’t have to explain […]

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At The Top of Her Game

It is with extreme pleasure that I announce that Babcia has been promoted. Her new title? Pra babcia (great grandmother). Brodee came to be with us on November 17 and our lives are forever changed. For Babcia, that meant a well earned […]

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Waiting makes me nervous. I’m not good at it. Maybe it’s a fear of the unknown, or more specificly the fear of the uncontrollable. And yet waiting is a part of life for all of us, including me. We wait in line, […]


Gray Skies Smilin’ At Me

I think I finally understand why I like it when it’s gray and cloudy out. It reminds me of home. I currently live in north Florida and today we are having a bit of ‘winter’ with cold, blustery, cloudy, damp weather outside. […]

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