Life Goes On – A Moment in Time

Milestones are a funny things. Hours turn to days, turn to weeks, turn to months, and before you know it you’ve made a trip around the sun. Your calendar says it’s been so long, and yet your heart feels everything as if […]

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A Princess Story: Babcia Is The Life of the Party

When I was a child, I was a typical little girl in many ways. I always had this feeling though, that I belonged to two realms. Sometimes they complemented each other and other times they were at odds. Both these places made […]


The Seasons Pass By So Quickly

It’s fall here in the hills of West Virginia. I suppose it’s fall every where, but the autumn months here in appalachia are especially beautiful. The treetops are a mix of greens, oranges, reds, and browns. Every time I look out my […]

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Back Home To Mama’s House

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything new. I’ve had a busy, stressful, enlightening few months. Life can change so drastically and so quickly sometimes. I am as guilty of forgetting that as anyone, until it hits me straight in the […]


Life Goes On Indeed

Anyone who has ever lost someone, and that is all of us in one way or another, knows that the healing process is long and unsteady. The past three weeks have been heavy, hard, and beautiful all at the same time. Feelings, […]
