Babcia Says

Babcia always knows what to say. Even when she shouldn’t. But more often than not, a pearl of wisdom will drop from her lips for anyone lucky enough to hear it. She will drop something profound on you and before you know […]

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Babcia’s Christmas

Here it is, December already, as 2020 comes to a rallying finale. This year has brought me so much sadness, and so much joy at the same time. My beautiful grandson was born in November, and juxtaposed with that I learned of […]

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At The Top of Her Game

It is with extreme pleasure that I announce that Babcia has been promoted. Her new title? Pra babcia (great grandmother). Brodee came to be with us on November 17 and our lives are forever changed. For Babcia, that meant a well earned […]

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You Talk Funny

A few days ago I was out and about and I overheard part of a conversation. This person was expressing their frustration over people who either don’t speak English or speak broken English. My first instinct was to turn and look and […]

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Shoelaces and Tea Parties

Babcia and Sophie share a very special relationship. It’s no wonder, given the amount of time that they spend together. Between the time they spend, and the similarities in their personalities, they are very close. Although I don’t know if it’s the […]

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