The Wisdom of Dziadek

When I was about 5 years old we made the move from Chicago to West Virginia, leaving our Polish family behind. We visited on a regular basis after that, but I didn’t grow up immersed in the entire Polish experience the way […]

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Babcias and Busias

Question… what makes babcias and busias tick? Answer… the little ones. Babcia, busia, either way you address us, we are grandmothers. We love our children, without a doubt. We adore them always. But then one day that child has a child and […]

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Babcia Loves Sophie

*Originally posted April 2020 As you know, Babcia was recently hospitalized with suspected COVID-19 but is negative, home now and doing much better. She’s back to her sassy self. She’s watching Days of Our Lives (when someone isn’t on TV talking about […]

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I just hung up the phone with Babcia. We video chat several days a week, sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less, but always at least 2 or 3 days a week. Many times there isn’t a lot new to say […]

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It’s All About the Babcia

She’s my mom, but she is the quintessential Babcia. Anyone who has a Polish babcia knows what I’m talking about. Babcias feed you until you can’t breathe. Babcias are your partner in crime. Babcias always think you are right and your parents […]

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