
Well the time changed but my body did not. I was hoping to sleep in a little today but my body said, “No! It’s time to get up!” and there I was, awake before 6am. At first I tried to deny that […]

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Married into the Crazy

My sister-in-law is a beautiful soul. We don’t deserve her. Really. No, seriously. We’ve told my brother that if they should ever decide to split up we want to keep her and he can go. She’s THAT good. A West Virginia girl […]

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Uncle Buck

Babcia said to me, “Don’t you have anyone else to write about?” So with that subtle hint in mind, I thought, why yes I do. Of course once I told her I was going to write about someone else, she asked, “You […]

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My Matka

Another Mother’s day has come upon us and I am once again reminded how lucky and grateful I am to have the mother that I have. As a kid, my mother was always the most unusual one in the bunch. Living in […]

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Babcia Gets a Chief

Babcia is happiest when her children are thriving and succeeding. If there’s one thing Polish mamas like to do, it’s brag about their kids. The more you give her to brag about, the better your chances of being the favorite which comes […]

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