Fall in Florida… Sort Of

Well here it is, the close of summer is upon us once again. I’m not sure what happened. I feel like March was yesterday. But they say that time accelerates as we get older, which I guess must be true. I know […]

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A Different Story

You may have noticed that I didn’t post last week. I took a short break. Sometimes I just don’t feel like writing, or thinking, or doing… anything. I think we all feel that way occasionally, don’t we? We go and we go […]

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The Lady of the House Turns 75

I’ve been lucky enough to know some pretty extraordinary people in my years upon this earth. Today I’d like to tell you about one in particular who has affected my life in so many wonderful ways. She has been my saviour and […]

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Home Is Where My Heart Is

It’s been a quick two weeks, but I am back in Florida and preparing to return to work and to day to day life. What a wonderful time we had. I spent a lot of time playing with my 8-month old grandson, […]

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No Almost About It

It’s been a busy week friends. Babcia had a whirlwind tour of Jacksonville, Florida… or at least the things that were of interest to her. We had a few delicious dinners and lunches out, we saw the ocean and the beach, we […]

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