
For all that she’s endured and experienced in this life, Babcia is surprisingly upbeat and positive most of the time. She has a way of seeing the good in almost everything, which also puts those around her at ease. Not to say […]

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You Talk Funny

A few days ago I was out and about and I overheard part of a conversation. This person was expressing their frustration over people who either don’t speak English or speak broken English. My first instinct was to turn and look and […]

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Savage Love

I recently got a new haircut. I went completely crazy and had my hair cut short. The long stringy locks are gone. Personally, I love it. My mornings are easier and I just like the fun way it looks. My hair is […]

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For Love

How far would you go for love? Across town? To church? Around the world? I guess most of us don’t really know until we are faced with the decision. Then as Babcia says, you just know. Love is hope, and I think […]

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Shoelaces and Tea Parties

Babcia and Sophie share a very special relationship. It’s no wonder, given the amount of time that they spend together. Between the time they spend, and the similarities in their personalities, they are very close. Although I don’t know if it’s the […]

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