Babcia Gets a Chief

Babcia is happiest when her children are thriving and succeeding. If there’s one thing Polish mamas like to do, it’s brag about their kids. The more you give her to brag about, the better your chances of being the favorite which comes with bragging rights for you as well. Gloating is mandatory. Currently, the Polish prince holds the title.

My little brother was recently appointed chief of police. He has been with the same department for over 20 years, and he has worked his way up from the bottom of the ranks. He is a man of integrity; he will always try to do the right thing by you and he values his reputation and his word to you. He cares about the outcome and the future; he has a little girl who will grow up in the world he contributes to. He is trustworthy; if he tells you something he will try his best to make it so. He enjoys helping people and because of that he is well liked. We always joke because Babcia and my little bro share the gift of gab – every place they go they will run into at least one person they know and they will talk to them for longer than most would. If you are on a tight schedule you may as well throw it out the window if they’re with you because it WILL happen. I’ve been held up in a store or in a parking lot or on the sidewalk many times, listening to one of them having a conversation with someone I don’t even know for what seemed like hours. I’ve learned to be patient. So many people call my brother their friend. He won’t admit it but he cares, sometimes too much. For him it isn’t so much about succeeding in his own right, but it’s more about succeeding in order to contribute to those around him. It’s true, and to my friends that he tormented when we were growing up… yes, he does have a heart.

My brother is and always has been one of the smartest people I know. He’s ever quick with a response whether to a situation, a question, a remark, or a joke. He is analytical and logical, which I hated growing up because arguing with him was like losing a debate. I’ve seen him one-up people who’ve tried to take him on and it isn’t pretty. It’s me… I’m people.

Of course he is my little brother and so not every story is about his achievements. He was a typical little brother. He laughed at me every chance he got. When I slid into the sidewalk on my skateboard he laughed until he was breathless and told every other kid in the neighborhood about it. When my friend was sleeping over after a night out he scared us by shining a light into my bedroom window from outside and whispering through the open window, “Are you sleeping fraulein?” He made fun of all my boyfriends. If you’ve ever dated me, know there is a joke about you floating around. He pushed me, he put me down, he plucked at my last nerve, he made fun of me. Yes, the Chief has a dark side. But I always knew he loved me.

With all this, Babcia just glows with pride for her son. As she should; she played a large part in him becoming the man he is today. I hear a lot of “my son the chief” these days, but it doesn’t bother me at all. I am proud of him as well. To be the kids from the west end of town where we fought for everything, he’s done alright. Many people helped along the way, but the spotlight is all his and is well deserved; he’s worked very hard and earned all the accolades he receives. I am very happy for my brother, even if he is a big dork.

Polebilly Princess
In the words of Donny & Marie, "I'm a little bit country, and I'm a little bit kielbasa"... or something like that. I am the proud product of a Polish mama and a hillbilly dad, and I love both sides of my heritage.

Believe in the Bunny

April 12, 2020