Thinking of You Always

Ya’ll, it’s COLD in Florida. I mean it’s falling iguana cold. If you know, you know. When it gets below a certain temperature down south, the little lizards we see every where fall into a deep sleep, almost like a hibernation state. In their trance-like slumber they will sometimes fall out of the trees to the ground below. They aren’t dead, just frozen and unable to move temporarily. (Same little iguanas, same.) They do recover once they warm up.

Cold Weather Blues

When it gets cooler down here my mind starts going toward the cold weather comforts of home. I start thinking things like, “Oooo, I’ll make chili” or “Where are my socks?” No matter the exact thoughts though, I always associate colder weather with my home farther north. The cold weather is actually comforting since it does bring those thoughts. It’s not supposed to be in the 20’s in Florida, so naturally the cool air takes me away to another place for a little while. It’s a good place.

Those People I Miss

Yesterday was a typical Saturday. I hit the ground running with a list of errands in my head. I had several stops to make culminating in lunch with friend. It was a good day. I had a package to mail to my mama, I’d found a pair of pants that I knew she’d like while I was shopping last weekend. I had a package to mail to my grandson, some bigger clothes for a growing boy that I couldn’t resist. Why are toddler clothes so darn cute?? The piece de resistance was a handmade bar of soap with a scent called “Monkey Farts” that I found in a little shop – I immediately thought of my niece and had to buy it for her. I knew she’d get a laugh out of that and I did too. I’d been thinking about my daughter lately as well. She is a nurse, and as we all know nurses are struggling right now. At her hospital, they are actually bringing in the National Guard to help. I hope that it will be a much needed boost for them. She’s been exhausted lately, both mentally and physically.

Thinking of Them

Of course I think of them daily. Some days though, something as simple as the temperature outside will put an exclaimation point on those thoughts. I wonder how and what they are doing today. I hope they are all well and happy. Of course I always keep them in my prayers. I pray that God will keep them until we can be together again. Soon though, that Florida sun will peek through and things will be back to normal down here while they are still in their winter phase. For just a moment in time though, I feel the cold too and I’m with them at heart. It’s almost like I’m just down the street, and they are near.

Today started out at 25 degrees for me. By this afternoon it will be back in the mid 50’s. So for one day, I enjoyed the cold and pretended that I was there with them, until I can actually be there with them again. Although they never really leave my thoughts, these days bring them in just a little closer. I do love the Florida sunshine. There’s something about the cooler weather though that feels like home, and home to me isn’t so much a place as it is about the people we love. The lower temperatures are a reminder of January in a familiar place and my heart wanders off to winter to meet them. Soon, I’ll be headed north again.

I’ll see you soon guys!

Polebilly Princess
In the words of Donny & Marie, "I'm a little bit country, and I'm a little bit kielbasa"... or something like that. I am the proud product of a Polish mama and a hillbilly dad, and I love both sides of my heritage.

Growing Up In the W-V

January 23, 2022