Thinking of You Always

Ya’ll, it’s COLD in Florida. I mean it’s falling iguana cold. If you know, you know. When it gets below a certain temperature down south, the little lizards we see every where fall into a deep sleep, almost like a hibernation state. […]

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Growing Up In the W-V

When I say “home”, I am referring to West Virginia. Even though I wasn’t born there, it’s where my story began to unfold. It’s where my childhood memories live. It’s the heart of me. Weekends at Mammaw and Pappaw’s I was five […]

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A Young Girl and Her Voyage to Freedom

Babcia was born in Dziemiany Kascierayna, Poland in 1942. Dziemiany is a small village in northern Poland, just southwest of Gdansk. It is part of the Pomeranian province. I guess you could say we’re Pomeranian… which explains a lot. Pomeranian puppies are […]

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The Hills of West Virginia

Hello everyone… after a break over the holidays and a trip home, I am back! I hope that all of you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year with those you hold dear. I hope you made memories to hold you over […]

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