Babcia’s Beautiful Heart
Sometimes we need a reset. We need to clean out, recalibrate, and refresh. It happens to everyone now and then. That attention light comes on and we’re scrambling to figure out what needs to be aligned again. It may be a minor adjustment that we can make ourselves, or we may need a hand getting back to the status quo. Babcia’s check-engine light came on recently and she found herself needing a little help.
Time for a reboot
Babcia hadn’t been feeling well. A routine doctor visit uncovered an issue that needed to be addressed. Her body wasn’t quite utilizing oxygen as well as it should be, so to remedy that situation she began oxygen therapy. Anything new is an adjustment, no matter who you are or what your age. As we age, things change. Our body chemistry changes. The processes that once occurred without thought or effort gradually begin to sputter occasionally and we must adapt in order to meet our changing needs. It could be a diet change in order to maximize bodily performance. Maybe a change in our routine is called for. We could be called upon to move more. Once we’re aware that a change is needed, then it’s up to us to either adapt and continue or to begrudge the necessary changes. Some even decide not to make the change at all and move forward at their own risk and of their own volition.
Babcia has always taken a no nonsense approach to her health care for the most part. She may not always like the thought of doing what she’s told to do. I personally think that has more to do with stubborness than it does being disobedient. It’s a well known family trait as anyone in our family will attest to. However she will do what the doctor asks her to do for the most part because she understands that it’s for her own good. Many times I’ve heard her utter the words, “What choice do I have?”…. meaning that if she expects to be able to continue living as she pleases then she will have to make adjustments to do so. Babcia has a good attitude about doing what must be done to survive. She is and always has been a fighter.
Spreading the love
Then a second issue came up, and as a result it was time to seek a little help. Babcia ended up having a short stay in the hospital. Not to worry, she is back home now and taking the necessary steps to maintain her health. Some people would have felt defeated with these developments. Babcia may get tired from time to time, but she always seems to make the best of every situation. She’s had the occasional hospital visit in the past, and each time it’s the same story. Rather than focus on her situation, she takes the opportunity to talk to people and to spread a little Polish cheer. Within a day or two, Babcia knew the first names of most of her caretakers and what shift they worked. She had taught the nurses who came in to her room a few words in Polish. Consequently, they eventually knew what it meant to move or change a “dupa” and were using the term. When the Polish prince called to check on her, the lady on the phone immediately knew that Babcia was “the one with the pretty accent” and that she’d met her husband in a bar years ago. Eternally the social butterfly, Babcia always makes the best of any situation.
The beat goes on
As I said, Babs is back home now and feeling better. Adjustments were made and she will do what needs to be done. She has her beautiful Sophie to care for, her older granddaughter and great grandson to adore, and her children to harrass and/or to brag about, depending on the day. Her attitude is one of the things that we love most about her. She is tough and she is resolved. She is our grand matriarch and our shining example of how to grab life by the horns. Babcia’s laughter compels us to laugh alongside her. Her determination inspires us. Her love comforts us. We love you Babcia… mom. And yes, thanks for changing our dupas.