Babcia Goes to the Dogs

All the children and the dogs need a little bit of Babcia now and then. Babcia will give of herself endlessly to the children, and the dogs are a secondary thought to her but she still manages to show them some affection […]

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Pride and Perseverence

West Virginians are a proud bunch. (See They endure and they overcome by nature. It is instilled in them. This past week though, has been a true test of their will to survive. There has been a lot of media coverage […]

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Babbel-ing with Babcia

Sweet Sophie is using Babbel to learn Polish. Babcia is over the moon. Sophie began using the language app recently in order to learn Babcia’s native tongue and seems to be learning conversational Polish fairly quickly. Of course she’s lucky in that […]

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Thinkin About Home

So I’ve been thinking about home a little more than usual the past few days. Been thinking about muddy creeks, great people, good food, family, and the smell of the trees. No particular reason, I’ve just been thinking about it. I’ve been […]

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