Babcia Says
Babcia always knows what to say. Even when she shouldn’t. But more often than not, a pearl of wisdom will drop from her lips for anyone lucky enough to hear it. She will drop something profound on you and before you know it, you’re thinking about what she said and realizing she’s right. All the while you’re thinking, how does she know that? I’ve been in that position more times than I can count.
Let’s start with one of my favorites, “Don’t be stupid for yourself”. This one is pretty obvious. It means don’t sabotage yourself, think about what you’re doing, don’t shoot yourself in the foot. She likes to say this one to me a lot. If I am thinking of doing something that isn’t in my favor, or if I am failing to act on an advantageous situation, she throws this one out at me. It is a reminder to think of yourself and your own needs. It tells me to stop and think about how I could better handle something that is weighing on me. If I had a nickel for every time she’s said to me, “Don’t be stupid for yourself Tammy” I’d have a LOT of nickels. What does that say about me?
This one isn’t really advice so much as an old saying she likes to share. “Lubię cię, kocham cię, nie poddam się przed ślubem”, which in English translates to “I like you, I love you, I won’t give you up until after the wedding”. She always laughs after she’s said it. Babcia tells me to use this one if I am seeing someone or involved with someone. She says she used to say it to young men back in the day. I find it very direct. I also find it funny.
“Everything is clicking”… everything is coming along nicely. Everything is fine. Everything is as it should be. When she says this you know that she is content and satisfied with life. She feels that things are getting done. Of course when something “just isn’t clicking”, it means just the opposite and you’d better be ready figure out what’s wrong and fix it right away.
When things aren’t going your way and you are ready to give up, she brings out “What are you gonna do, lay down and die”? “Life is for the living”, or Życie jest dla żywych. She means that as long as we are here on this earth we have no choice but to go on with life. We must face each new day as the fresh start that it is and continue moving forward. We literally have no choice in the matter until we are gone. Simple, but true. It’s kind of a reminder not to wallow in what we cannot control and to keep looking ahead. No matter how bad things may get, we must forge on until better times come upon us. I like this one too. I say it to myself when I am feeling overwhelmed or I need motivation to keep walking. It brings strength and determination when I need it most. I always picture her saying it in my head; her bold voice and stoic appearance force me to be just a little bit stronger. Add hand motions for even more dramatic effect. You get the idea.
Babcia always knows what to say and when to say it. Sometimes it takes us a moments to figure out exactly what she means, but it’s always timely and on point. We’ve learned to read between the lines and get the jist of what she’s telling us. I find myself saying many of the several things that have come out of her mouth over the years, so it’s safe to say that Babcia’s wisdom will be carried on and will be with us for years to come. I already tell my daughter, “Don’t be stupid for yourself” and I’m sure I’ll say it to my grandson one day. Hopefully they’ll remind me too, and we will always think of our wise Babcia and smile.