What Covid Means to Me

So I’m fifteen days in to this virus now. Fifteen days and all I can say is, this is the most unpredictable illness I’ve ever been through – you can’t put Covid in a box and label it nicely and neatly. I’ve […]

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This Virus Though…(originally posted 3/22/2020)

It’s been a busy week and I am exhausted. A week ago today, I was celebrating my step-daughter’s wedding. It was absolutely beautiful… the dress, the decorations, the love… all simply beautiful. She was a gorgeous bride and her groom was a […]

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Down For the Count

Well, it’s happened. I went and got Covid. It was almost inevitable living here in Florida; all major cities in the state are now red zones. I wear my mask, I wash my hands, I use the sanitizer, I stay home most […]

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Babcia Says

Babcia always knows what to say. Even when she shouldn’t. But more often than not, a pearl of wisdom will drop from her lips for anyone lucky enough to hear it. She will drop something profound on you and before you know […]

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Love and Loss

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday. Mine was spent with family and tons of snow for Christmas, it was fantastic! The snow came down in buckets and made it really feel Christmasy and magical. Babcia was happy, my new grandson […]

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