Babcia Rocks the Vote
Unless you live on a deserted island with no internet access, you know that we’re on the cusp of a very important election. Judging by the volume of mail I’ve been receiving from both sides this election will be an historic one. Turn on the radio or the television and you’re bombarded with back to back ads telling you why you should vote for this guy or that guy. I think that as a nation we are tired, yet we are excited to make our voices heard and to have a say in which direction our country will be steered for the next four years (at least).
I spoke with Babcia the other day and she was very excited to tell me that she had voted. She had gotten herself registered and voted by mail for the candidate of her choice. I could hear the pride and patriotism in her voice as she told me all about it. She had voted in presidential elections in the past when she was younger, but this was the first time in a long time that she had again picked up her ballot and filled it in. She was very happy to do so.
If you read my blog, you know that Babcia came to the United States at 15 years of age from Poland. She knew nothing of the culture, not even the language. She had to work very hard to learn to speak English and to learn the history of our nation in order to become an American citizen, which she did. Earning her citizenship is one of her proudest accomplishments, as she will tell you. She told me how when she finally became a citizen and also became old enough to vote, she was so excited and happy to be able to do it. She said she voted in many elections when she was young. I asked her why she was so excited. She told me that being a United States citizen and being able to vote was a privilege and she wanted to do her part. She reminded me how important it is that everyone who is able to vote does so, and how it is our duty to vote for the candidate of our choice and to take part in the election. I said that it must have been a really big deal to her, coming from Poland where she may not have had that opportunity and she agreed. My biggest takeaway from our conversation was her pride and her total excitement that she had voted and made her voice heard.
My dad wasn’t really much into politics, but he did like to complain about whomever was in office at the time. Unfortunately, he didn’t feel that his vote mattered very much and so he didn’t ever push the issue. I think it’s too bad that he felt that way, but I know a lot of people feel that way. It’s easy to feel neglected or left behind by politicians who have let us all down in one way or another.
The election process and politics in general can be exhausting, and maybe especially so this time around. There seems to be little unity and a lot of disenfranchised voters who are trying to navigate their choices and to elect the best leader in a time of real turmoil. The parties both prey on our fear of the unknown and our longing for a real leader who will help us find answers and solve problems. Maybe that is why Babcia’s excitement is so refreshing to me. She really reminded me of the power of the vote, and of our duty to help steer the ship we’re all on together. Sure we can just sit back and hope for the best, but we also have the opportunity to do our research and to make a stand in our own little way for the future we’d like to see. That’s no small thing. It is a privilege and a right not extended to many in the world. No matter which side of the political fence you sit on, I hope we all can remember that much and to form our opinions and hand in our votes with the dignity the process deserves.
Babcia got it right. It is a privilege, and it is exciting, and we should all be so happy to have the opportunity to voice our opinion through the ballot box. Which ever way it ends, we will know that we did something and we didn’t just complain or leave the job to everyone else. Babcia should get a sticker or something.